There are many questions that people frequently ask me when I tell them that I will be going to the Peace Corps. Hopefully the answers are informative to readers and prospective Peace Corps applicants!
Q: Was Morocco your first choice for placement?
A: No! Morocco is a great placement, but it never crossed my mind as a site during my application process. I was nominated for Latin America and had no indication I'd be going elsewhere until I received my invitation for Morocco.
Q: Where will you be placed in Morocco?
A: I will find out after three months of community based cultural and language training.
Q: What will you be doing?
A: I will be working with the Peace Corps' youth development sector. Read more about typical work youth development volunteers do here.
Q: Are you going to be living in a hut? Will you have a toilet? What about electricity and the internet?
A: Most volunteers in Morocco live in apartments or with host families and basic amenities. There are no guarantees of course!
Q: What are you going to eat?
A: Probably food! Most volunteers have regular access to fresh produce and spices. I will not consume anything containing animal flesh or secretions just as in the United States.
Q: Do you speak Arabic?
A: Not yet! Check back with me on that in a few months.
Q: Are you excited? Scared? Ready? Sad? Happy?
A: Yes, yes, no, yes, yes.
Q: Are you getting paid?
A: I'm not doing this for money.
Q: How long will you be gone?
A: 27 months: Three months of training and two years of service.
Q: Will you come back to the States at all?
A: Probably at least once on my own dime using vacation time.
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